Sunday, July 22, 2018

The 13.1 Mark!

While it's all still fresh in my memory, I wanted to provide a synopsis of my latest half marathon experience. The easiest way I have to remember the details is truly by providing my playlist for the day, and describing what silly thoughts were going on in my head during each song. And when I say, it's what was going on in my head, I mean it...this is your fair warning.  This is real, competitive, immature Cynthia in her endorphin-induced running raw state. She is sometimes intolerable.

It was misty/rainy morning, but the temperature was low and I was pumped and feeling adequately prepared for the race. My goal going into the race, was in fact NOT to go all out like past half marathons, but to actually slow my pace down 30-45 seconds so as to reserve more energy at the end, but also to more closely imitate my full marathon pace (somewhere between 8:30-9:00 min miles).


1 Get ur Freak OnWHATEVER YOU SAY MISSY!!!! Ok just kidding, can't freak it out yet. Shoot this is a great jam. Must. Control. Hype. Keep with the 8:24 group! Missy Elliot
2 Thrift Shop...was that Damian's voice at the beginning of this song? Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
3 Livin' it UpJeff Atkins 4ever.Ja Rule
4 Bad RomanceSo many cool outfits in this music video.Lady Gaga
5 Lotus FlowerI am sOoOoOO zen, I am just chillin with the pacer and will remain calm.Radiohead
6 Story of My LifeOkayyyyy Juanny with the sleeper song that is actually very motivating! So motivating, in fact, that I think I will sneak ahead of this pacer just to get a bit out of this claustophobic pack...One Direction
7 Sweet NothingOk I've officially abandoned the 8:24 pacer group. I should be able to keep to 8:15 no problem!Calvin Harris
8 AfricaAs the opening drums of this song began, we enter a big prairieland. Definitely the only large open space during the race and also the closest to a desert I was gonna see! The rain continued to fall, and I am certain that these rains, like those down in Africa, were also blessed by Toto.Toto
9 ProblemAriana Grande
10 Man On FireI'M A WOMAN ON FIRE. I just passed the first place woman as she was on her way back from the turnaround point and I yell GIRL POWER and she gives me a little grin.Edward Sharpe & Mag 0s
11 RabiosaRA-TA-TA.Shakira
12 Pimp Juicelololol let's slow it down for a second. Also, at this point I've counted 17 women ahead of me as they all had to pass me at some point after the turnaround. Top 10 women get a cash prize. Can I get in on that??Nelly
13 Safety DanceJoy. Joyjoyjoy. If there's one song that was going to make me abandon the race and have a one person dance party, it was this one.Men Without Hats
14 Semi-Charmed LifeThis was right at mile 6! From what I've seen, this is typically a point in a half marathon where people lose their steam because they've been going too fast, and the reality sets in that they still have over half the race to go. I counted not one, not two, but SIX men that I passed between mile 6 and mile 7. Yes, they were all men that I passed and in fact there was a long string of men slowing down at this point. My theory is that so many of them slowed down because they were driven by their enormous egos early on in the race and naively believed they'd be able to sustain it. The women (more intelligently) stuck with a generous pace and were able to sustain it, if not increase it :D Anyway, so I was passing some men at this point, and the fifth man, felt me creeping up on him, looked over his left shoulder to see me approaching, and proceeded toward the center of the trail, impeding my ability to pass him easily. EXCUSE ME? I still prevailed, just in time for Stephan Jenkins to belt out his final "goodBYYEEEEEEEE" in this 90s jam. :)Third Eye Blind
15 HomeCannot WAIT to be home in dry clothes and taking a nap.Edward Sharpe & Mag 0s
16 NookieAnd eating a cookie.Limp Bizkit
17 Hey BrotherBack to zen, thinking about my family <3 Avicii
18 Prieta LindaOh dear, this song is quite the departure from my previous songs!! ...but STILL surprisingly motivating!! So many memories of cringing when my mom would request this song to be played over the radio for my birthday. Now as an adult I can appreciate the love and thought that went into that semi-embarassing song request. Had to chuckle a bit at this song.Los Fabulosos 4
19 Don't Stop Me NowAH! Finally some women in sight! I gotta knock off seven of them if I want some cash prizes. Also it's almost mile 9 so it's time for my energy chews. Chews + Queen = passing up more runnners, right???Queen
20 Lonely BoyOne woman passed!The Black Keys
21 Call Me MaybeI instinctively had to turn my volume on max for this jam. Totally worth the potential hearing loss.Carly Rae Jepsen
22 Work B****I'm trying to do what you say Britney!!! Britney Spears
23 Al AnilloJ. Lo
24 Marry the NightTwo miles left. Better rev up the jets and prepare for launch, baby girl.Lady Gaga
25 Not Gonna Get Uslolol fest. Another woman passed! She's "not gonna get us"/me!t.A.T.u.
26 Dramas y ComediasLast mile and final (long) straightaway, and just in time my fav old school Spain jam comes on. I see one woman ahead, running casually with a man next to her. JETS IGNITE!!!!!Alaska
27 Tunak Tunak TunLet's sprint it out baby!!! Oh shoot, I forgot we have to grab a flag and wave it at the finish line. That's okay, the pictures showed like a small, 6 inch-flag...HOLY F. THAT POLE IS TWO FEET LONG. WHAT AM I TO DO WITH THIS? Well, I can't have the flag holding me back and making me less aerodynamic so let me just wrap the flag around the pole and keep it in line with my arm swing... Oh. Yes, I do look like I'm preparing to joust that woman in front of me.Daler Mehndi

I sprinted it out but did not beat the woman in front of me, nor did I come even close to getting a top 10 cash prize :( I think I did still manage to wave the flag at the finish line but it was definitely not a cute "let me wave this all girly like and pretend I'm not tired" pose. Rather it was more of a grimace + "I'm exhausted so please take the picture and let me sit down" pose. Will share the photos (maybe) once they're available.

I am pleased that for the most part I did stick to the 8:15 pace, as evidenced by my mile split times here! And I was able to end the race faster than I started, which is always a challenge. My overall pace according to my Nike app was 8:05/mile, significantly slower than my past 7:45/mile pace at half marathons, but it felt SO MUCH BETTER.

Overall the lesson in this race was that control is the name of the game. If I would have sprinted out like a bunch of those men noobies in the first six miles, I too would have been miserable and watching people pass me left and right. Pacing myself and planning on going slow to start has always been a big challenge for me.  For the marathon, it is going to be so hard to resist wanting to start out fast with all the stimuli that will be around! Even now I'm the complainer of our 9:00 pace group (my complaints are in the form of "questions") because I want to go faster. I need to learn to take a step back and make sure I'm able to finish hard rather than drag my worthless body across the finish line (which is what I did in my first two half marathons).

Now to make sure these lessons are absorbed before the big day comes...

76 days til Marathon Day!

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Injury Chronicles

I hope this is the first and only update I share about the ailments that have been nagging me and at times getting in the way of my marathon training!

DATE: December 2017

AILMENT: IT Band Tightness

CAUSE: Stupid decisions like two a day workouts or too many days of HIIT workouts in a row

SYMPTOMS: Uncomfortable deep, dull, ache on both sides of hips after high impact workouts

CURE: 6+ Weeks Physical Therapy with lots of stretching and muscle "release" therapy

UPDATE: Ailment continues to be a nagging issue even in July, though soreness does not last as long as it did back in December

DATE: MAY 27, 2018

AILMENT: Sprained Ankle

CAUSE: Too much fun at a lakehouse

SYMPTOMS: Swelling of ankle, inability to put full pressure on left foot

CURE: RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (1 week off running)

UPDATE: Ankle is fine but I'm now pretty committed to avoiding soccer altogether through this marathon training


AILMENT: [Self-diagnosed] Plantar Fasciitis

CAUSE: Hill workouts, a lot of long runs

SYMPTOMS: Pain in the heel and sole of the foot

CURE: TBD. Calf stretching seems to help. All I know is I'm not about to buy Skechers Shape Up-type running shoes.

78 days til Marathon Day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My First Run with BOMF!

When it was finally time for me to join the BOMF Pilsen group on a group run, I was super excited. What a great deal for me as a "volunteer" to get to spend my time running in a group, getting my miles in to prepare for my own races, all while supporting a great cause!

So I prepared my running clothes, set my alarm for 5am (something I haven't done since my soccer playing days), and prepared myself for this new experience. When I finally did wake up that April morning, it was still pitch black outside. I quickly got dressed before I could allow my body to realize it hadn't seen the likes of this hour in ages, and started my one mile warm up run to the San Jose shelter.

I didn't quite know what to expect upon arrival. In my volunteer guide it said that the group was big huggers and that's the way everyone greets each other. But being the newbie, I wasn't about to initiate the hug!!! Luckily, I did not have to, and the other volunteers and members quickly and warmly introduced themselves and gave me a quick hug.

Everyone formed a circle, all awake as can be, making jokes, smiling and laughing, stretching, and warming up for the run. But like, when I say these people were in a good mood, I mean, you would think they were out lounging on a beach with a cool drink in hand, not a care in the world. Don't they know it's 5:45am and no one should be awake this hour?? Don't they know we're about to have a hardcore workout and are going to sweat and suffer together for the next hour??? (Turns out, I was the one who was wrong--on both accounts!)

After the warm up, we circled up and said the serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

When I heard this prayer, my immediate thought was "ohhhhh this is a religious group, huh?" Ok, noted. I was wrong on that front as well. This 'prayer' has really come to resonate with me at a deeper level, and as I've met more members, the significance of the prayer and how it applies to their lives as well as my own has become more clear, but I will get into that in a different blog post.

So we were finally warmed up and ready to run! I did my intense dynamic stretches and made a beeline to the front of the group to see who the front runners would be that I could buddy up with. Instead, I was approached by an older man with a soothing voice and a great, friendly laugh. We started our "run" (of our group of 15-20, maybe 3-4 people ran, and at a very slow pace at that), and instead of running I found myself walking and conversing with this man. Was there a secret Cynthia competitive itch that was wondering "Ummmmm can we start running now, sir?" Absolutely. 

But we continued to walk, and I learned all about this man. I learned how he got to the shelter, about his family around the country, where his favorite Pilsen diner was, his affinity for tennis, his life values, his past work experience, and his goals for getting out of the shelter. He also asked me about my work, about my family, about my hobbies, etc. Mind you, this was all over the course of maybe 40 minutes where we walked (no running!!) two miles, all as the sun was finally peeking over the horizon. It is insane how quickly we were able to connect in a short amount of time! By the end of the "run" I found myself not at all concerned about losing the opportunity to run, but instead I was pleased that on my first day I already made a connection with this wonderful, friendly, man, who gave me a big hug as I left and allowed me to witness that wonderful large smile of his once more. How is that for starting out a Wednesday morning!

I did walk with this man several more times in the weeks that followed, but he did eventually encourage me to start trying to pair up with someone who liked to run since he knew I was very passionate about it, and he felt more comfortable just walking. Even though we didn't always have the opportunity to catch up at each morning run, he was always the first to greet me as I arrived, a big jolly hug and smile, welcoming me as one would welcome a family member they hadn't seen in ages. He promised to teach me to play tennis, and to take me to his favorite diner in Pilsen one day!

My connection with this man was the first of many friendships that I was able to form at the Pilsen location. Although he wasn't the member that I became closest to, he certainly set the tone for me from Day 1 of the type of connections that are possible amongst strangers and the conversations and friendships that can develop over a a quick walk or run, all before the sun rises :)

88 days til Marathon Day!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

New Running Swag #1: Running Belt

During this marathon journey, I've been very skeptical about the different gear people wear as competitive runners. Amongst those things, I've been skeptical about the use of a running belt. I just don't believe that there's any way that any belt, no matter how ergonomically crafted, can sit on my waist area and not slide up or down.

Despite my skepticism, I quickly realized after my first longer runs that I was going to need to find a hydration source that I could take with me on those runs. So unless I wanted to run with a gallon of water trailing behind me, my best bets were going to be finding either:
  1. A handheld water bottle that is strapped to my hand
  2. A belt that holds water bottles on it
  3. A vest with a water pack on the back, that you drink from straws leading up toward your mouth
Each of these options have their own pros and cons, but my priorities were, in this order:
  1. Find something that doesn't make me look like a huge a-hole
  2. Find something that doesn't add too much extra weight
  3. Find something that is comfortable, practical, and will not distract me mid-race
After all my research, I decided to go for the belt option. I knew I didn't like to run with anything in my hands, so the handheld option was out. I also knew that I feel strongly about not looking like an a-hole or Dora the Explorer while I'm running, so the water pack/backpack option was out. (Note: This will be a revolving theme. I refuse to wear something that makes me feel like I look like an imbecile, even if it's supposedly good for my running performance. It is not good for my confidence and thus outweighs any potential benefit the product would otherwise contribute.)

I also feel very strongly about the color purple, (the actual color, plus the movie, obviously), so I needed a belt with purple accents. And so I settled for this belt:

So far I can report that, I have gone on two runs with the belt and didn't feel like a complete a-hole. I did follow the instructions which stated that the belt should be worn on the widest part of your hips. I left it there, hopped around a bit, and it felt super snug and secure. I started my run and literally seven strides later the belt was up just below my sports bra. Hahahhaa I should have known that the manufacturers of this belt did not have a big butt latina in mind when they designed this belt!!

Moral of the story, I will be wearing the belt around my waist instead of my hips. I will also be wearing the belt slightly off center because the bottles seem to get a bit in the way of my arm stride when worn correctly. Should I return the belt? Maybe. But I love the purple.

Also, I am fully aware that I basically got tricked into wearing a glorified, modern, fanny pack. I am just going to try to not think about it.

95 days til Marathon Day!